09 Jul The Beerded Challenge: #Livefitstaysocial
What the Heck? Health and beer in the same sentence?
It can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to add beer on top of that… you might think I’m CRAZY!!! I have teamed up with LA’s finest trainer Marsella Reyes to find a way to Live Fit and Stay Social. I’ve only been in it for 8.5 weeks out of 12. I’m happy to say I did it! and here are the results! I was going to wait until I finished the 12 weeks (full challenge), but I am ecstatic at the results already! So now I’m sharing how to get on this train ;P! The Beerded Challenge
My Journey So far
I have been working out on and off for about 3-4 years now. Thinking that as long as you were at the gym… changes would happen. I even went to classes like spin, body pump… etc!! Don’t get me wrong, I loved them and I was staying fit! On my 29th birthday and I thought “I really needed to get back into shape.” What did I do? Spend money on the next Facebook ad about loosing weight! Of course it didn’t include beer! BEER IS VITAL TO ME! I live, love, and drink beer!
So now I’m a few hundred dollars out with no light at the end of the tunnel. I was still working out, starving myself, and depriving myself from beer. On top of all that, there was no progress. I was fed up, I reached out to some trainer friends I had to ask about this. They all pretty much denied that you can have your beer and get in shape (or loose that beer belly)!
I FINALLY got in touch Marsella, who happens to be a middle school classmate! She took the challenge head on! Her response was a” hell yeah you can maintain a healthy and fit body while drinking beer!” I about died! My moon was hung…
The Work outs are amazing! She sneaks your strength right in there without you knowing. I was amazed that at 8 weeks I could do stability ball pushups. If ya’ll don’t know how hard that is when you’re just starting to work out again, well IT IS EXTREMELY HARD. I felt like a bad ass 10 of those pushups like nothing happened! That’s not the only thing, I’m squatting heavy, my booty is LIFTED, and I’m working on that flat belly!
Now came the hard part! To count my macros… THIS IS THE SECRET! Balance… We all know that balance is the secret… we just don’t know how to tap it right for our bodies!
8 out of 12 week Results (non flexing)
The Beerded Challenge <——Click Link to find out how you can accomplish these results
ARE YOU READY TO Get fit and enjoy Beer!?!
KEEP Checking in!! I can’t wait to show ya’ll how amazing it will be at the end of 12 weeks!
Remember To #livefitstaysocial and #earnyourbeer
-The Beerded Lady
Email: Betterbodybymars@gmail.com or Jenniferthebeerdedlady@gmail.com
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