07 Nov Back with a Vengeance
Back from my hiatus! Initiation was a bottle share at Taps and Caps in Denton. It was put on by the wonderful Great American Brewery tour! There were some wonderful beers in the line up but unfortunately due to my lightweight status, I couldn’t taste them all!
Here’s a little bit of the messy goodness I got into that day
Oskar Blues Ten FIDY (barrel aged) Bitter boozy on the front end, with an earthy coffee middle, and a choco/vanilla ending! FORTY out of FIDY
High Hops Brewery’s Barrel Aged Honeyed One. Boozy, honey, sweet, for a light ale it has a nice full feel to it with some fruits in the mix! 3.5 out of 5
Jester King’s Atiral Rubicite. I love Jester King’s wild ones! This one was a little too much on the tarty side for me, yet for what it was it was delicious! There was a sour patch kid taste at the front only minus the sweet side! A very tasty sour beer with hints of flowers, souring bacteria, and tart raspberries. 3/5
Perennial’s Sump Coffee Stout! First off love the bottle art! Dark black color, poured like molasses, smells like coffee, tastes like dark choco! Coats the mouth like a hot mocha coffee! 4 out of 5 had to add with my skull!
Orpheus‘ Even the Furies Wept. Totally getting into the wine aged beers! This interesting blend has my ears up. This was a lemony grape entrance with a tasty mild boozy sour and a oaky finish. 4/5
There are a few other ones that I tasted that day, mostly all of them are above 4/5 pictures given!
Picture cred to The Great American Brewery Tour
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